Written by Dr. Shelli Rampold, ALEC Faculty The Agriscience Metaverse Academy is a new, grant-funded professional development program led by University of Tennessee (UT) ALEC assistant professor, Dr. Tyler Granberry,…
Written by Dr. Shelli Rampold, ALEC Faculty The Agriscience Metaverse Academy is a new, grant-funded professional development program led by University of Tennessee (UT) ALEC assistant professor, Dr. Tyler Granberry,…
Written by Allison Reaves, ALEC Senior The Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications (ALEC) department was allowed to host the first East Tennessee Regional FFA agricultural communications CDE following contest changes…
Written by Jordan Richardson, ALEC Senior The 2023-2024 Tennessee FFA State Officer year of service is quickly coming to an end for freshman ALEC majors Delaney Turner, Abigail Hamm, and…