In Press:
De Sormeaux, A., Rampold, S. D., & Telg, R. W. (in press). Growing grassroots: Examining policy engagement among members of agricultural organizations. Journal of Agricultural Education.
Rampold, S. D., J. A. Greig, J. Gibson, and H. Nelson. 2023. GMO or GM No? Segmenting a consumer audience to examine their perceptions of genetically modified products. Advancements in Agricultural Development. doi: 10.37433/aad.v4i1.269
Baker, L. M, S. D. Rampold, A. McLeod-Morin, A. Lindsey, R. Telg, and M. Ogelsby. 2022. Search, seek, share: A national survey assessing Americans’ information channels and sharing the impact on perceived risk from a pandemic. Journal of Advancements in Agricultural Development.
Garrison, S. T., M. Gillen, S. D. Rampold, and L. Baker. 2022. Parental stress and financial well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Family and Economic Issues.
Garrison, S. T, Rampold, S. D., Vasquez, K., & Gillen, M. 2022. Parents’ employment, income, and finances before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Consumer Affairs.
Gibson, J., J. A. Greig, S. D. Rampold, H. Nelson, and C. T. Stripling. 2022. Can you cite that? Describing Tennessee consumers’ use of GMO information channels and sources. Journal of Advancements in Agricultural Development.
Giles, M., T. Nash, L. L. Greenhaw, and S. D. Rampold. 2022. Examining ethical typologies of agriculture and natural resources leaders: A Q study. Journal of Agricultural Education.
Gill, T., and A. S. Willcox. 2022. Building Global Leaders through Field Research and Extension Experiences in Belize. Journal of International Agricultural Education and Extension. doi: 10.4148/2831-5960.1013.
Granberry, T. C., J. J. Blackburn, and R. Roberts. 2022. A challenge that I’m willing to take on: The self-efficacy of female undergraduate students in agricultural mechanics. Journal of Agricultural Education, 63(3):44-58. doi: 10.5032/jae.2022.03044
Greig, J. A., and H. Nelson. 2022. Federal Funding Challenges Inhibit a Twenty-First Century New Deal for Rural Broadband. AAEA Choices.
Greig, J. A., and H. Nelson. 2022. Shifting Perspectives: How COVID-19 and In-Home Information and Communication Technology Impacted U.S. Residential Internet Perceptions. Journal of Information Policy. doi: 10.5325/jinfopoli.12.2022.0012
J. Gibson, J. A. Greig, S. D. Rampold, and C. T. Stripling. 2022. Can you cite that? Describing Tennessee consumers’ use of GMO information channels and sources. Advancements in Agricultural Development. doi: 10.37433/aad.v3i2.181
Jarvandi, S., P. Roberson, J. A. Greig, S. Upendram, and J. Giron. 2022. Effectiveness of Diabetes Education Interventions in Rural America: A Systematic Review. Health Education Research. doi: 10.1093/her/cyac039
Liu. Y. Chen, J. A. Greig, Z. Shen, and Y. Shi. 2022. When disadvantage collides: The concentrated effects of energy insecurity and internet burdens in the United States. Energy Research and Social Science. doi: 10.1016/j.erss.2022.102713
Liu. Y. Chen, T. Dietz, N. H. Fefferman, J. A. Greig, et al. 2022. Extreme events, energy security and equality through micro- and macro-levels: Concepts, challenges and methods. Energy Research and Social Science. doi: 10.1016/j.erss.2021.102401
Loizzo, J., C. Suarez, and S. D. Rampold. 2022. Picturing graduate students’ COVID-19 experiences: A photo-elicitation study of working from home and coping through meme humor. Journal of College Student Development.
Muhammad, A., M. Prince, K. L. DeLong, and T. Gill. 2022. The Effects of Timing, Customer, and Location on Smallholder Broiler Sales in Rwanda. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. doi: 10.1016/j.japr.2022.100268
Parker-Crockett, C., S. D. Rampold, S. Galindo, J. C. Bunch, H. Yoder, A. Thoron, C. R. Connelly, A. Lucky, and R. Telg. 2022. Fight the bite: Implementation of mosquito-based curriculum in elementary, middle, and high schools in Florida. Journal of Agricultural Education.
Warner, L. A., L. S. Krimsky, and S. D. Rampold. 2022. Using a diffusion of innovation lens to understand homeowner support for septic system to sewer system conversions. Journal of Environmental Management.
Zhuang, J., T. Gill, F. Loeffler, M. Jin, and G. S. Sayler. 2022. Can food-energy-water nexus research keep pace with agricultural innovation? Engineering. doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2022.08.014
Baker, L. M, C. Chiarelli, S. D. Rampold, and A. McLeod-Morin. 2021. Communication in a pandemic: Concerns of agricultural and natural resources opinion leaders during early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Advancements in Agricultural Development.
Beattie, P. N., Coleman, B. M., Loizzo, J. L., Rampold, S. D., Suarez, C. E., Bunch, J. C., & Ray, K. L. (2021). Graduate students’ complex roles and experiences during the COVID-19 emergency remote teaching transition at a land grant university. North American College and Teachers of Agriculture Journal, 65.
Campbell, C., and S. D. Rampold. 2021. Local government stakeholders’ perceptions and informational needs for urban agriculture. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems.
Carroll, D. E., C. A. Stephens, C. T. Stripling, J. C. Sorochan, and J. T. Brosnan. 2021. Women in turf: a qualitative study examining how women have sustained their leadership role in the turfgrass industry. Journal of Agricultural Education.
Carroll, D. E., J. T. Brosnan, J. B. Unruh, C. A. Stephens, C. McKeithen, and P. Boeri. 2021. Non-chemical control of annual bluegrass in bermudagrass via fraise mowing: efficacy and barriers to adoption. Sustainability.
Conner, N. W., B. Reiling, C. T. Stripling, M. Kreifels, and A. Monheim. 2021. Examining inquiry-based learning stages of concern for high school agriscience teachers. Advancements in Agricultural Development, 2(1), 14-25.
DeSormeaux, A., S. D. Rampold, and R. W. Telg. 2021. Growing grassroots: Examining policy engagement among members of agricultural organizations. Journal of Agricultural Education.
Eissler, S., D. R. Ader, S. Huot, S. Brown, R. Bates, and T. Gill. 2021. Wild gardening as a sustainable intensification strategy in northwest Cambodian smallholder systems. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development.
Gill, T., J. F. R. Nisengwe, H. Goertz, D. R. Ader, K. McGehee, R. Nshuti, A. Gumisiriza, M. O. Smith, and E. Urban. 2021. Strengthening smallholder engagement and integration in the Rwandan commercial broiler value chain. World’s Poultry Science Journal.
Jean-Philippe, S. R., J. K. Richards, C. A. Stephens, Bishop, P., York, M., Burlison, M. B., Howerton, T., Mincy, G. & Rampold, S. 2021. Recruitment and Retention Initiatives to Increase Non-Traditional Students’ Access to Food Agriculture Natural Resources and Human Sciences (FANH) Majors. NACTA Journal, Volume 65, pg. 298-306.
Kreifels, M., N. Conner, B. Reiling, C. T. Stripling, and M. Balschweid. 2021. Teacher perceptions of facilitating inquiry-based instruction following a 12-month professional development experience. Advancements in Agricultural Development, 2(3), 14-24.
Mike, M., R. W. Telg, A. Harder, A. Lindsey, J. Loizzo, and S. D. Rampold. 2021. Disaster management during tropical storm Karen: The story of Trinidad Extension. Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education.
Nisengwe, J. F. R., T. Gill, D. R. Ader, and H. Goertz. 2021. A Spatial Analysis of Feed Conversion Ratio: A Case Study of Broiler Chickens in Musanze District, Northern Rwanda. African Geographical Review.
Rampold, S. D., Z. Brym, M. Kandzer, and L. M. Baker. 2021. Hemp there it is: Examining consumers’ attitudes toward the revitalization of hemp as an agricultural commodity. Journal of Applied Communications.
S. Frankel, S. Benjamin, and C. A. Stephens. 2021. Crafty women: exploring how southeastern female brewers navigate emotional labour within the craft beer industry. Annals of Leisure Research, doi: 10.1080/11745398.2021.1902356
Street, A., C. T. Stripling, J. C. Ricketts, N. W. Conner, and C. Boyer. 2021. Identifying Tennessee agricultural education student growth and program accountability metrics. Advancements in Agricultural Development, 2(2), 86-96.
Warwick-Roper, C., S. D. Rampold, L. G. Randolph, and R. Telg. 2021. Examining communication between [State] agriculture and natural resource organizations’ leaders and members to foster policy engagement. Journal of Agricultural Education.
Witte, K., N. Conner, B. Reiling, M. Balschweid, and C. T. Stripling. 2021. Barriers to becoming CASE certified. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 9(3), 165-177.
Brawner, S., C. A. Stephens, L. Yamagata-Lynch, and J. Donaldson. 2020. Leadership Attainment of 14 Women in Agriculture: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics.
Conner, N. W., C. T. Stripling, and J. Loizzo. 2020. Preservice teachers’ perceptions of science integration into secondary agriculture classrooms. Advancements in Agricultural Development, 1(3), 1-13.
D. Gabesch, L. Moore, J. Bruce, and C. A. Stephens. 2020. Agricultural Identity Influence on Student Success Outcomes Within Campus Climate. NACTA Journal.
Donaldson, J. L., J. W. Swart, and J. K. Richards. 2020. Perceptions of Job Competencies and Mentoring Program Development for Extension Administrative Assistants: A Focus Group Study of Multiple Employee Groups. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 8(1), 178-190.
Estepp, C. M., and C. T. Stripling. 2020. Exploring undergraduate absenteeism at a regional, hispanic serving institution. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 8(2), 122-135.
Gill, T., D. R. Ader, E. R. Urban, R. Nisengwe, and E. Garner. 2020. Piloting a commercial broiler production model for smallholders in Rwanda. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development.
Gill, T., D. R. Ader, L. Hok, S. Cheat, S. Pao, and A. S. Lear. 2020. Living fences for improved smallholder livestock systems in Cambodia. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods.
Grabsch, D., Moore, L., Bruce, J., & Stephens, C. A. (2020). Agricultural Identity Influence on Student Success Outcomes Within Campus Climate. North America Colleges of Agriculture, 64, (2).
Greig, J. A. 2020. Stimulating Innovation: Statutory Influence on Electric Cooperative Telecommunications Innovation. Journal of Information Policy, 10, 210-236.
Jean-Philippe, S. R., J. K. Richards, A. J. Pulte, C. A. Stephens, C. A. Beyl, and T. Cooper. 2020. Shifting perspectives and perceptions of agriculture of undergraduates through experiential programming. NACTA Journal, Volume 64, pg. 269 – 274.
Jordan, S. L., C. T. Stripling, C. Boyer, C. A. Stephens, and N. W. Conner. 2020. Academic-Related Perceptions, Beliefs, and Strategies of Undergraduate Agricultural Students. Advancements in Agricultural Development.
Martinez, M, J. A. Greig, et al. 2020. Press narratives of NSA domestic surveillance. The Atlantic Journal of Communication.
McElravy, L. J., Conner, N. W., Stripling, C. T., & Loizzo, J. (2020). Rural agricultural employees’ views toward education and training opportunities. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 8(3), 93-103.
Niyikiza, D., S. Piya, P. Routray, L. Miao, K. Won-Seok, T. Burch-Smith, T. Gill, C. E. Sams, P. Arelli, V. R. Pantalone, H. Krishnan, and T. Hewezi. 2020. Interactions of gene expression, alternative splicing, and DNA methylation in determining nodule identity. The Plant Journal, 103:1744-1766.
Stripling, C. T., C. M. Estepp, and R. McClanahan. 2020. Measuring teaching effectiveness: A literature synthesis. NACTA Journal, 64(1), 338-352.
Swart, J.W., J. K. Richards, and W. Zhao. 2020. Understanding Food Processing and Systems: Pilot Testing a Standards-Aligned Middle School Curriculum. Journal of Food Science Education, 2020; 19(2)1–11.
Yost, E. C., Donaldson, J. L., Gwinn, K. E., Stripling, C. T. & Stephens, C. A. (2020). Enhancing undergraduates’ higher order thinking skills: Perceptions of college of agriculture faculty. NACTA Journal, 64:94-101.
Conner, N. W., J. Millius, J. Loizzo, and C. T. Stripling. 2019. Using an international experience to bridge the gap between culture and science literacy. Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education., 26(2), 106-120. doi: 10.5191/jiaee.2019.26208.
Conner, N.W., Millius, J., Stripling, C. T., Loizzo, J., & Doerr, D. (2019). Using an international experience to bridge the gap between culture and science literacy. Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education, 26(2), 106-120. doi: 10.5191/jiaee.2019.26208
Conner, N. W., Stripling, C. T., Tomas, S., Fennewald, D., & Foster, B. (2019). Flipping an agricultural education methods course from the students’ perspective. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension.
Crowe, J. E., W. Malone, and J. K. Richards. 2019. Our Hands to Larger Service: The Role that Service-Learning Plays in 4-H. Serve InDEED: The Tennessee Journal of Service-Learning & Community Engagement, 6(1) pp 24.
Dossett, J., Stripling, C. T., Haynes, J. C., Stephens, C. A., & Boyer, C. (2019). Mathematics efficacy and professional development needs of Tennessee agricultural education teachers. Journal of Agricultural Education. 60(4):255-271. doi: 10.5032/jae.2019.04255
Jordan, S. L., Stripling, C. T., Boyer, C., Stephens, C. A., & Conner, N. W. (2020). Academic-related perceptions, beliefs, and strategies of undergraduate agricultural students. Advancements in Agricultural Development, 1(1), 75-85. doi: 10.37433/aad.v1i1.17
Kenner, B., D. Lambert, C. Trejo-Pech, J. M. Thompson, and T. Gill. 2019. Financial Risks in Rwandan Smallholder Broiler Production. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 9(5):569-583.
Mihelic, R., E. R. Urban, T. Gill, M. O. Smith, and B. H. Voy. 2019. Increasing Charcoal Efficiency for Brooding Broiler Chickens in Rural Rwanda. African Journal of Poultry Farming.
Myer, P., D. R. Ader, and T. Gill. 2019. Improving Education in Agricultural Biosciences through Studying Abroad in the United States. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education, 20(1):1-8. International Education Special Issue.
Cowan, R., Stephens, C. A., Stripling, C. T., Harper, C., Jarrell, B., & Brawner, S. (2018). 4-H wildlife habitat education program: A qualitative study in career exploration. Journal of Southern Agricultural Education Research, 68,1-12.
Easterly III, R. G., Stripling, C. T., & Myers, B. E. (2018). A census of baccalaureate agriculture education program requirements. Journal of Career and Technical Education, 33(1), 49-65.
Rose, M., Stephens, C. A., Brockett, R., Stripling, C. T., & Jarrell, B. (2018). Resiliency and leadership of burley tobacco producers in Green County, TN. Journal of Southern Agricultural Education Research, 68, 1-17.
Sanok, D. E., Stripling, C. T., Stephens, C. A., & Griffith, A. P. (2018). Factors impacting former FFA members’ decision to discontinue FFA after high school. Journal of Research in Technical Careers, 2(2), 26-35. doi: 10.9741/2578-2118.1037
Stephens, C. A., Brawner, S., Dean, A., Stripling, C. T., & Sanok, D. (2018). Reflective journeys of five women agriculturists in Australia: A qualitative study. Journal of Agricultural Education, 59(1), 271-286. doi: 10.5032/jae.2018.01271
Thomas, J., Stripling, C. T., Stephens, C. A., & Stephenson, L. (2018). Engagement in Extension Professional Associations: Tennessee Extension Professionals’ Attitudes and Perceptions. Journal of Extension, 56(2), Article 2FAE4.
Conner, N. W., Gates, H., & Stripling, C. T.(2017). Identifying international agricultural concepts for secondary agricultural education curriculum. Journal of Agricultural Education, 58(1), 118-130. doi: 10.5032/jae.2017.01118
Conner, N. W. Greer, S., Ollie, N., Stripling, C. T. & Stephens, C. A. (2017). Preservice teachers’ perceptions of infusing mathematics in the school-based agricultural education curricula. Journal of Southern Agricultural Education Research, 67, 1-15.
Conner, N. W., Greer, S., & Stripling, C. T. (2017). International agricultural concepts through the eyes of school-based agriculture education students. Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education, 24(2), 65-77. doi: 10.5191/jiaee.2017.24205
Gill, T., Bates, R., Ricciardi, V., James, D. (2017).Capacity development in agricultural education and training in Cambodia: a SWOT analysis. The Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education 24(1), 34-50. doi: 10.5191/jiaee.2017.24105
Glenna, L., Borlu, Y., Gill, T., Larson, J., Ricciardi, V., Adam, R. (2017). Food security, sweet potato production, and distance to trade centers in northern Ghana. FACETS. doi: 10.1139/facets-2017-0027
Greer, S. J. F., Stripling, C. T., Griffith, A. P., & Stephens, C. A. (2017). Assessing Tennessee livestock producers’ awareness, attitudes, and perceptions of right-of-way hay harvesting. Journal of Agricultural Education, 58(4), 15-33. doi: 10.5032/jae.2017.04015
Jean-Philippe, S., Richards, J., Gwinn, K., & Beyl, C. (2017). Urban Youth Perceptions of Agriculture. Journal of Youth Development 2(3), 2017.
Leal, A., J. N. Rumble, and A. J. Lamm. 2017. Using critical thinking styles to inform food safety behavior communication campaigns. Journal of Applied Communications, 101(2): 19-32.
Leal, A., T. K. Ruth, J. N. Rumble, and A. H. Simonne. 2017. Exploring Florida residents’ food safety knowledge and behaviors: A generational comparison. Food Control, 73: 1195-1202. doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2016.10.040
Howard, M., Stephens, C. A., Stripling, C. T., Brawner, S. & Loveday, H. D. (2017). The effect of social media on university students’ perceptions of the beef industry. Journal of Agricultural Education, 58(2), 317-331. doi: 10.5032/jae.2017.02316
Ogle, S. R., Stripling, C. T., Stephens, C. A., Hart, W. E., Falk, J. M., & Foster, D. D. (2017). Advisory councils in Tessessee school-based agricultural education programs. Journal of Agricultural Education, 58(2), 317-331. doi: 10.5032/jae.2017.02232.
Brawner, D., Brawner, S., Stephens, C. A., Stripling, C. T., & Eash, N. S. (2016). Impact of international student teachers on a New South Wales, Australia community over ten years: A qualitative study. Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education, 23(1). doi: 10.5191/jiaee.2016.23105
Gill, T., Bates, R., Ricciardi, V., James, D. (2016). Capacity development in agricultural education and training in Cambodia: a SWOT analysis. The Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education. doi: 10.5191/jiaee.2017.24105
Harris, J. M., Stripling, C. T., Stephens, C.A., & Loveday, H. D. (2016). Life skill development of youth participants of the Tennessee 4-H beef skillathon. Journal of Youth Development.
Hilby, A., Stephens, C. A., & Stripling, C. T. (2016). Utilizing film to teach leadership: A qualitative analysis of Rocky IV, Lincoln, and Miracle. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 4 (3), 143-157.
Huff, S. M., Stripling, C. T., Boyer, C., & Stephens, C. A. (2016). Investigating factors that influence achievement goal orientation in undergraduate agricultural sciences and natural resource students. NACTA Journal.
Jones, K., Williams, R., Gill, T. (2016). ‘If you study, the last thing you want to be is working under the sun’: an analysis of perceptions of agricultural education and occupations in four countries. Agriculture and Human Values. doi: 10.1007/s10460-016-9685-4
Kimes, T. R., Stripling, C. T., Stephens, C. A.,& Loveday, H. D. (2016). Life skills gained from and reasons for youth participation in the Tennessee 4-H sheep skillathon. Journal of Extension, 4RIB7.
Richards, J. K., and L. Murphy. 2016. The Influence of Gender and Race on Food Safety Knowledge and Behaviors in Adolescent Populations. Journal of Extension.
Rose, C., Stephens, C. A., Stripling, C., Cross, T., Sanok, D. E., & Brawner, S. (2016). The Benefits of FFA membership as part of agricultural education. Journal of Agricultural Education, 57(2), 33-45. doi: 10.5032/jae.2016.02033
Tobin, D., M. Brennan, R. Bates, and T. Gill. 2016. Peru potato potential: Biodiversity conservation and value chain development. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. doi: 10.1017/s1742170516000284
Beavers, A., L. Murphy, and J. K. Richards. 2015. Investigating Change in Adolescent Self-Efficacy of Food Safety through Educational Interventions. Journal of Food Science, 14(2).
Hurst, S. D., Conner, N. W., Blythe, J., Futrell, A., Giorgi, A., Jenkins, J., Rubenstein, E. D., Stripling, C. T., & Roberts, T. G. (2015). An exploration of the formal agricultural education system in Trinidad and Tobago. Journal of Agricultural Education, 56(1), 141-154. doi: 10.5032/jae.2015.01141
Sanok, D. E., Stripling, C. T., Stephens, C. A.,& Griffith, A. P. (2015). Factors impacting members decision to continue FFA beyond high school. Journal of Agricultural Education, 56 (4). 138 – 153. doi: 10.5032/jae.2015.04138
Sanok, D. E., Stripling, C. T., Stephens, C. A., Ricketts, J. C., Estepp, C. M., & Conner, N. W. (2015). Professional development needs of Tennessee school-based agricultural education teachers. Journal of Southern Agricultural Education Research, 65, 1-14.
Shackleton, S., G. Ziervogel, S. Sallu, T. Gill, and P. Tschakert. 2015. Why is socially-just climate change adaptation in sub-Saharan Africa so challenging? A review of barriers identified from empirical cases. WIREs Climate Change. doi: 10.1002/wcc.335
Velez, J. J., A. J. McKim, L. L. Moore, and C. A. Stephens. 2015. A nationwide assessment of the scope and impact of agricultural leadership education. Journal of Agricultural Education. doi: 10.5032/jae.2015.01116